A rude encounter has an happy ending!!!
Last night, I covered the monthly Sip & See series at our local Arts Council for the newspaper and magazine. I look forward to the event each month because a I feel little cultured after it. I needed to get a crowd shot so I stood up on a chair and ended up having a brief exchange with a man I didn't know. Man: I know you are trying to get the picture but you need to be careful in your delicate condition. Me: Oh! I'm not pregnant. I just had a really good December. He apologized a lot. But I was cool with it. I didn't freak out and ED didn't get a voice in the matter. I did have a very good December. And I enjoyed every bite of it from the breakfast casseroles and ham dinners to amazing cakes and pies. It was an AWESOME month and January hasn't been to bad either. And I am cool with it. It has been too cold to do my three days a week walk and I have been putting in some late hours. Exercise hasn't been a major priority. So I know where the weight h...