Is it too late to say "Happy New Year!"

Happy 2019! 

It has taken me all month to write this post. 2018 was quite a year. I ended up with a new job in another state that was only an hour and some change from my son. Things haven't gone
as smoothly as I would like but I'm okay.
I moved to SC (where I said I would never go back to), dealt with my son's father (who is not cool with me being so close by), moved twice in one year, made new friends, made strides in my job, dealt with two Hurricanes, lots of flooding and other cool stuff. 2018 had a lot of change in it.  I also had to make sure the kid and the cat adjusted to everything as well.
Agent Kitty was okay with the move.
Instead of resolutions, I set goals for 2018.
My first goal was to stop taking things so seriously. I want to enjoy life more. (For the most part, I tried to do this. I did a lot of new things such as going  to a ball and wearing makeup.)
My second goal, which was not to work so hard. I feel like I base my life around work. In 2017, I started saying no more and focusing on me. In 2018, I want to have more of a work/life balance. This is still a work in progress.
My third goal was to volunteer more. I didn't get a chance to do this.
I will always continue to try reading more. (I did and continue to write a column about it for the newspaper.)
I wanted to be a better mom for my son and a better friend and family member to others.  I have been a better mom.
It is nice living closer to this one!

I want to put myself out there more and meet new people.
My final goal was private. I don't want to jinx things but I hope by December 2018 that things will 360 degrees different in my life. The goal was to find another job. This happened.
And now, it is 2019. I have set some more goals for myself. My son has urged me to put myself out there more, meet new people and do more things. So I am going to do this. I am not sure how but I will.
2019 goals
-- I will try to not work as much.
-- I will drink more water.
-- I will send more snail mail.
-- I will improve my finances.
-- I will dance more.
-- I will try at least one new recipe each month.
-- I will step outside my comfort zone more. 


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