Surprise visit with JJ

JJ being JJ!
Of late, my days off involve sleeping. But I did something different last Sunday. My son was two hours away near Burlington, NC so I happily gave up sleeping to see him.  And it was so worth it. Seeing him has re-energized me so much.

We played super heroes, saw the Spiderman movie and went to McDonald's. All in all, it was the best day I have had in a long time. Of course, anytime with JJ is good time. I took tons of photos for my photo album but I had to share two. I want you to see how much he has grown. He's six but looks so much older.

Me goofing around with him. He is almost as tall as me.

Relaxing after a day of fun!

In a few more days, I will be on vacation. I am not sure what I am going to do. But whatever I do, it will involved my son.


1. Spending an unscheduled day with JJ.

2. Vacation countdown has begun. Five days to go.

3. It is only 95 degrees and not 100 degrees.


  1. Yeah! Glad you got to spend time with him. I know you really needed that!

  2. I'm so glad you got to see him! What a handsome young man!!!


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