Revisiting my goals for 2014

In January, I set 13 goals for myself in 2014. I decided to check in at the seventh month mark to see how things are going. It has been an interesting year so far with several snow storms, getting a new job, moving to a new town and being jerked out my comfort zone. But that's life.
Relaxing in the book nook area of my apartment!

Goals for 2014
  • I will have some articles published in a magazine.
The newspaper I work for is creating a magazine for Southeastern North Carolina. So this goal will be achieved by the end of the year.
  • Instead of constantly complaining about the issues at my current job, I will be part of the solution to help make things better.
I did something. I celebrated my five month anniversary with the Duplin Times yesterday. 
  • I will be more sociable.
This is will always be a work-in-progress. I am a people person for my job but it gets kind of iffy when I don't have the notebook with me.
  • 4. Learn how to swim.
I am going to have to make more of an effort to achieve this.
  • 5. I will try one new thing each month.
With the new job and moving, the new thing has been finding new places.
  • 6. I will go on an overnight road trip with my son.
Since returning to Mount Olive, my son has visited me twice here. This is a big deal.
  • 7. I will come up with a plan to fix my teeth.
I have found a place that accepts my insurance and is reasonable. Maybe by 2017, my smile will be back.
  • 8. I will continue to work on my relationship with God.
I read a morning devotional most mornings before I leave my apartment. I have recently started reading a nightly devotional before bed. My next step is to find a church.
  • 9. I will make sure friends and family get copies of the photos I have of them from their younger days.
No progress has been made on this.
  • 10. I will go through the clutter in the spare bedroom and apartment.
I moved from RR. Most of the clutter is in boxes at M's house in RR. 
  • 11. I want to write more.
I have been writing more in my journal.
  • 12. I want to get my finances in order.
This is a continous work in progress.
  • 13. I will continue to work toward an ED-free life.
I have found myself restricting more and more. Not a lot where I have to be hospitalized but I have lost some weight. Hopefully, my doctor's appointment tomorrow will help.
The last seven months have been hectic and chaotic but I am slowly starting to find a balance. I just have to keep moving forward.

1. It is okay to have a cup of coffee and a creme filled chocolate cupcake for breakfast.
2. My life may not be perfect but at least I am not worried that militant faction will destroy my home and town.
3. Rest in peace Robin Williams. 


  1. Keep working on them goals!! I actually gave up on learning how to swim a long time ago but I actually did pretty good swimming on my back for the first time ever when we were on vacation. I had some sort of weird breakthrough!!

  2. the passing of robin williams really gave me a reminder that we need to keep on going... that while it may feel so dark and lonely inside, we are blinded to the fact that we are so loved by others and how much light and joy we might be giving to others simply by being there...

    may you reach all your goals this year!!


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