Adventures in moving and other tales

Happy Thursday!
It seems like forever since I have wrote something or read anything. Things have been crazy with me trying to work, move my stuff to storage and my new apartment and deal with the fact I am leaving RR. 

I am still pinching myself about the fact I am about to work at the newspaper I have dreamed about writing for. It is scary. This is one of the best weekly newspapers in the state of North Carolina. They are award winning and they hired me. I would do a little dance but now is not the time.

Today is my last day of work at my current job. I have been here six months but it feels like a year. I will miss everyone. Friday is going to be a blur of activity with boxes being moved, furniture being taken apart, carpets cleaned, saying good byes and other stuff.

When this adventure started, I had a three page to-do list. Now it is down to two pages. So much to do in so little time. 

I have been very blessed to have supportive awesome friends. For instance, my friend M is allowing me to store my belongings at his house. To him, it doesn’t matter if it takes me a year to clear out his spare rooms. He is so sweet. Plus, he made up the spare bedroom so I could stay there while moving stuff.

My BFF helped me move on her day off. The two of us are short while M is over six feet tall. It was funny as we tried to get a queen size mattress up a flight of stairs. We all wanted a beer after that one.

I almost cried when I saw my apartment. It is so me. I am going to have so much fun living there in my little “penthouse”. It is on the top floor of an old house. It is one bedroom, one bath and a small kitchen. I can actually create a book nook so I can read while sitting in the sun. Also I will be living downtown so I can get back into safely walking again. I can't believe I will be living in Pickleland again.

This is the second time in my life that I have felt so sure about a decision I made. The first decision was deciding to have another child after having a stillborn. As we can see that decision led to JJ being born. And I don't regret that.

I feel good about this and everything has come together so well. I will miss my morning and evening moving boxes workout. I feel like I am getting into shape by moving boxes of books and other stuff. I really need to go through my belongings and get rid of some stuff. I guess that is what unpacking is for.

Each morning before work, I pack my car full of boxes and head to M's house to unload them. Then it is off to work I go. Once done with work, I go back to my apartment and pack more boxes in my car and it is back to M's house. Usually I do about three or four trips until either it is too cold to stand it or too late.

In the middle of all this, there was a sleet and snow event and I got sick with a bad cold. It has been an adventure. I am looking forward to putting down roots for awhile in MTO. I am not in the mood to move again.

1. Being blessed with amazing friends!
2. Being able to come home to dinner! M cooks every night. I think tonight is tacos or spaghetti!
3. I am so thankful to be healthy enough to participate in my life! There is no room for ED here! I need the space for shoes.



  1. I'm so happy for you!!! Keep me posted on your new adventures!


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