Being more social (January edition)

I can be honest and say that I am pretty much a part-time recluse. I work and I go home. I am perfectly content to be home reading, watching tv and crafting.

To be social, I will hang out with my best friend at her house on the Lake. 

I decided in 2014 that I would make a sincere effort to get outside of the house at least once a month. I figure I should start small.

Last week was  my socializing for the month of January. On Saturday night, I volunteered to be the reporter/photographer at the Kellie Pickler concert. 

I got all dressed up and off to my first country music concert I went.

I had a good time. I had conversations with folks around as a reporter and just as a person. I danced to Pickler’s music and took some pretty awesome photos.

I actually stayed out to 11:30 p.m. Normally, I stay up late around the house but outside the house, I am in by 9 p.m.

After getting a few hours of sleep, I got up early on Sunday and drove to Pickleland to visit three old friends. I felt like I was in the Thanksgiving episode of Will and Grace where they had the egg timer set to visit each of their family members. I had a great time seeing everyone but realized it needed to be a leisurely weekend visit.

I got home about 7 p.m. I was happy but exhausted. Being sociable is hard work. My best friend wants to be part of my “be more social” exercise. She has asked me to select an event for both of us in February.

I’m thinking maybe we should get dressed  up and go dancing at the Chattahoochee Country Club. It would definitely be an interesting night because we are both at the age where we are catnip for older men. How I discovered this is a story for another time.

1. It is suppose to know this evening. I so need a snow day.
2. Making homemade chili!
3. Looking forward to vegging!


  1. You are a classic introvert! I think I mostly am too but because of my husband I've definitely branched out. I think it's great you are making an effort. The way I see it is; do I really want to look back land think that for the last 10 years all I did was stay home and read and watch TV? As lovely as those activities are!! We do need to get out there and create some other memories.


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