My life in numbers

Of late, I feel like my life can be summed up in numbers.

I’ll go simple with the numbers-- 260, 7 and 19.
By the end of this year, there will have been 260 newspapers printed. I probably have stories in 250 of them. This is a reason I am so freaking tired.

The number seven belong to James Edward who turned that age recently. I still can’t believe that I have a seven-year-old child who is almost as tall as I am. Crazy!

And 19 is the number of days before I will see James Edward again and bring him to RR for some R & R here. Of course, I am so excited I could pop. I miss my little big guy.

The last few weeks have been rough. I made a change in my medication, which has resulted in somewhat of a weight loss and lack o f appetite. I asked to be taken off the remeron. While it helps with the depression, it makes me anxious. This would mean an increase in seroquel to balance this. I couldn't handle it. I went back on  remeron in 2010 and there hasn't been too many anxious free days.  I have a doctor's appointment later this month to put me on a new medication. 

1. Moments of laughter throughout the day!
2. Being able to watch a Criminal Minds marathon without having nightmares later!
3. Not being as tired as I was in November.


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