A phone call no one wants to get

A photo of me that I like! It shows me doing what I do best.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I probably know this month better than anyone. My mother's side of the family has a history of breast and other cancers. I have to admit I have not been as proactive as I should in getting physicals and mammograms. But I promised my mother I would do my best to get mammograms and stuff.

Last Saturday, the hospital offered a free breast exam clinic along with mammogram. I figured I could go for free while getting paid as a reporter. Mammograms are not comfortable. They are a little painful and I don't like showing the girls to a stranger. But I did it and went on to cover a festival, where I had the best hotdog and fries ever and a deep fried oreo.

Today, I got a call from the clinic. Apparently, there were some issues with the mammogram. So I  must return next week for an ultrasound. They wanted to do it on  Friday but it is my birthday. And if there is bad news to given, which I hope not, I don't want it on my birthday. This has been a crappy year. My birthday and my son's birthday are the only happy dates left.

I am sure everything will be okay and when I talked with my boss, I was very upbeat. But secretly, I am scared and terrifed. I know my family history and my odds are not good. So right now, no one knows except my boss, my buddy D and whoever reads this. Why upset my brother, aunt  and others until I know more.

But this will be part of next week's worries. I am about to turn 39 and I am going to enjoy my day. And the rest, I will take one day at a time.


1. Deep fried oreos!

2. Being proactive.

3. Knowing I have a lot to live for!


  1. Hoping it all turns out well. My mammograms are always fine. Except this last time. I too had to go for an ultra sound. Told to come back in 6 monthes for a re-do on the one breast. Now another appt. in 6 months. It is kind of scary but I think because of all the awareness about breast cancer....Doctors are taking it more seriously. Blessings.

  2. I hope every is fine. I got the same phone call, it it turned out everything was okay.

    How did the deep-fried Oreo, taste, btw?

    (I've been meaning to answer your FB message, but I've been sort of down. I'll PM you.)



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