What would you save?

I am back after my little staycation from the world. It was nice and very restful. I had a chance to catch up on my reading,  do some cleaning and take quite a few relaxing baths.

I came across this Tumblr blog—The Burning House.” It was quite interesting and very thought provoking. It has you to answer the question of if you had a few moments to gather your most precious belongings, what would you rescue from impending destruction?

Then you submit photos of things you would save. It took me a week to answer this question.

Here is my photo of what I would save.

The items and why:

--Disney Storybook Collection: JJ loves the stories from this book.

--Prince Ombra by Roderick MacLeish: 

This is my favorite book in the whole world. I discovered it in the seventh grade.

--My mom’s sandals: These shoes remain by bed. It gives me comfort that a piece of her is near me.

--Photo of my grandmother and I: I have very few photos of my grandmother and I. This is my favorite.

--My red and black mixer: I have been in a cake baking mood and this has been a big help.

--Framed photos of my son and nephew: It seems like yesterday both were so small. 

--Stegosaurus: JJ loves dinosaurs and this is one of his favorite.

--The boots: I call these my Rihanna boots. They are awesome and empower me so much. I wear them when I am feeling good. They come in handy on a bad day too.

--Ms. Monkey: During some of my worst ED moments, Ms. Monkey has watched over me.

--Little blue book of JJ’s baby photos: Photos in this book include when he was born, first birthday and all other milestones.

What would you save? Let me know. I can tell you it wouldn’t be easy.


1. Eating an ice cream sandwich while sitting on my deck.

2. Having some sense of order after a week of cleaning.

3. Finding a gift basket full of homemade soaps and lotions from an admirer.


  1. That's a darn good and tough question! I have no idea. And in panic mode, I'm sure I wouldn't even be able to think straight.

  2. Oooh you cracked me up with this post. 'My red and black mixer' my absolute favourite xD I would definitely save my camera. Apart from that, I have no idea.

    And thank you for your comment! I just came across your blog but I'm getting a feeling that I will be checking in very regularly from now on.


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