Sayonora Christmas!!!

Christmas is a time of good tidings and joy. The last few weeks have been a time of anxiety and angst for me. I didn't spoil Christmas for the rest of the world. But I was so happy to see Dec. 26 come, I could hardly stand it. I think all of the events of the last few years came to a head this season. Overall, it hasn't been a bad year but the last few months have been tough. 

Another reason for being happy about Dec. 26. It starts the last week of the year. Of the 52 weeks in the year, it is the most peaceful and quiet for me. The schools and colleges are closed. People are in decent moods. It is a week of zen. A week of not working late. A week of eating at table and not over the sink. It means no setting the burglary alarm at work and worrying about my safety in the dark parking lot. I get to go home and just veg. Love the last week of the year!!!

Plus, I got plans for New Year's Eve. A cardiology practice is celebrating their 25th anniversary with a big celebration Saturday night. I will be taking some pictures for our magazine. The event will have a steel band, a magician and exotic dancers. Yes, exotic dancers. They took out a full page ad in the newspaper for it. And get this, the party is free with alcohol and food and I get paid to attend. I wanted to be more sociable so here it goes. I went through my closet and found the perfect dress for the event. This will be interesting. I agreed to work so I couldn't come up with an excuse not to go. I will have to have someone snap a photo of me at the event.


1. Homemade spaghetti from a co-worker
2. Turkey burgers and a salad for dinner
3. Getting home before dark!!!!


  1. Sounds like a great excuse for a party! We want the picture, but no lampshades on the head...

  2. Eeek! I couldn't really read the post. The font is too dark against a dark background.

  3. I hope you had a good time at the party :)

  4. I like this week, too. My work place closes, so I can veg with you! Also, the days are getting longer. I don't really notice it yet, but just knowing it's happening lifts my spirits.

    I hope you get a lot of good pictures at the New Year's Eve event and have a great time, too! I can't wait to see a picture of you in your dress!


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