A phone call no parent wants

My mom once told me that when you become a parent, you take this unspoken vow to do whatever it takes to protect your child or children from harm. This week, I got very unsettling phone call from my husband. During the past weekend, while JJ was at an older cousin's home, some inappropriate touching took place. To say I am shocked is an understatement. JJ is doing fine.  Long story short, my husband has a 13-year-old niece who has some issues. Her half sister saw her touch JJ in a place she shouldn't have and told an adult. After talking with JJ, I have found this was the only time.

JJ knows about stranger danger and other key things a child should know. He said he is okay but is very worried  that everyone will be mad at him for what happened. Both his dad and I have reassured him that is not the case. We are taking JJ to see someone about this. And we are suppose to meet with my brother-in-law tomorrow to discuss the situation.

I will keep you posted. I just needed to wrap my brain around this.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about this, this is awful. I really hope your talk with your brother-in-law goes okay. I am thinking of you in this tough time and hoping you will be okay.


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