My baby is graduating!!!!

JJ will walk across the stage on May 31. He will graduate from Pre-Kindergarten. He is so excited. And I am so excited for him. It seems like yesterday he was so tiny and helpless. And now he wants a skateboard so he can do stunts and wonders when he can cross the street alone.

My baby is growing up. My life would be so bleak and sad without him and his love. Whenever we talk, he tell me how much he loves me.
JJ--I love you more than ice cream. And I loooove ice cream Mommy.
Me--I love you more than a ton of magazines and pens.
JJ--Wow, I know how much you enjoy magazines.

This game continues for awhile. It is nice to know there is someone in this world who loves me for me. Not because I can write or take pictures. But because I can blow huge bubbles, climb the monkey bars and give up my Happy Meal toy for the greater good. And I love him because he is a wonderful child who has had to endure a lot in the past year--separation of his parents and the death of two grandmothers. He is quite a trouper.

Whenever I am feeling down, I pull out photo album I carry in my purse or check my phone for photos of him. He gives me hope when I feel like restricting or giving up. So when he walks across that stage, I will be cheering him. This is only the beginning. There is lots more to come and thanks to recovery, I will be around to enjoy it. I made a promise to myself when I moved to RR that I would find a way to silence ED so JJ could have a mommy and not a shell of one. He deserves that and so much more.

Daily Dose

1. My incredible awesome son

2. Meeting my goal of drinking more water

3. Being able to watch my son grow up


  1. You are so right, JJ does deserve more than a shell of a mummy, but you deserve it too to be healthy and happy and be able to keep up with your boy. I think it's awesome that are feeling so good, me too. Today I accepted by body to be the way it is now, bigger than before but healthy and happy. Not the way it was when I was underweight. I am glad we are both feeling that. It's awesome isn't it. Although uncomfortable at times. You are doing great!

  2. your post made me smile :)
    more graduations are about to come, so be proud of your wonderful son and of what you made him!

  3. Congratulations to JJ!!! Enjoy every minute with him! You are very lucky to have such a wonderful son.



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