Sweet escape

We all have good days and bad days. This week has been a rollercoaster between the two with the demands of my job and life. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I am leaving early in the a.m. to see my sweet JJ. He doesn't know I am coming. I can't wait. It will be nice to be around someone who geniunely loves me and will me plenty of hugs and kisses. He is my valentine.

I am so glad he exists because there days everything is overwhelming. It is nice to hear about a day where the biggest worry is deciding between chocolate and plain milk. Or a discussion on why Iron Man is the best movie ever. He make me laugh with his comments. He is my sunshine when days are cloudy and gray. He will never know how many times he has kept me from doing something stupid and regretful. Whenever ED starts whispering, I think about him. A few months when we went out to eat, he told me it was nice to see me eating. After talking with him, I realized that he thought I was some sort of super person because I never ate. I had to explain to him about my ED and the fact I am getting help.

"I know you are doing better Mommy because you are doing stuff," he said. "When you are not well, you want to sleep." It broke my heart that my son had to learn at such a young age about ED.

He is my motivation when things are tough. There are photos of him everywhere. I see him as write my stories because they are pictures of him on my desk. I see his face when I turn off the lights to go to sleep.

On Saturday we are going to the park, going to watch a movie and have a pajama party. I can't wait. He'll wear his Cars pajamas and I'll wear my newspaper pajamas. Yes, I have pajamas with newspapers on them. And I will take tons of photos. He will call me the paparazzi.

He keeps me grounded and sane. He is my little piece of heaven. My sweet JJ. Have a good weekend!  I know I will.

Daily Dose

1. It is Friday!

2. Pajama Party!

3. I get to see my JJ.


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