Let's Go Crazy

It has been awhile since I updated. Between going to visit JJ and working, I have slammed with work. All week I have looked forward to just vegging. So I did. Thank God for tv marathons. They are for tired. It was a beautiful weekend so I managed to squeeze in a walk, clean out my car, make the living room look decent and cook a few meals.

I marinaded some chicken breasts in some herbs and garlic. It was pretty good. Served with some garden peas and bread, it was a nice meal.

I actually put away most of the laundry I had done two weeks ago, which is good considering it's laundry time again. Edwise, I am doing okay. I have had some freak out moments. I boxed up some pants and other clothes that I no longer fit. If I keep them, I will want to figure out a way to make them fit. So, I give to someone who fits them.

Two of my favorite movies were on tv this weekend--Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Purple Rain.  Both have awesome soundtracks especially Purple Rain.

Daily Dose

1. See the video to Brown Chicken Brown Cow by Trace Adkins. Best laugh of the week for me.

2. I still know how to cut up a whole chicken. It's not perfect but it's still good.

3. Another week begins!


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