New Year, New Horizons

This is the fourth day of the new year and I feel awesome. I had an exciting and peaceful weekend.

I went to a party on New Year's Eve. The first time in a long time. I had a pretty good time. I got all dressed up and even put on lipstick and curled my hair. Before attending the party in pickleland, I worked about 10 hours, showered and got ready and then drove 2 hours to the party. It was nice to be around others.

Here I am enjoying the party after midnight. I can be quite social when I put my mind to it.

On the first day of 2011, I did what I do best--being reporter girl. I wrote a touching story on a little girl named Emma, who is about to turn one with trisomy 13. Trisomy 13 is a chromosome disorder rarer than Down Syndrome.  She has an extra 13th chromosome in every cell in her body. Most babies with severe chromosome abnormalities die before birth.When she was born, she was given two days to live by doctors. But she has shown them. She has developmentally delayed. Emma is my new hero. This little girl has defied the odds and will continue. I feel so blessed to have met her and her family and honored to be able tell her story. She turns one on Wednesday. I think I will blown out a candle for her.

I have written a lot of stories in my career but I am very proud of this one. I wish my mom could read it. My editor and design editor said it made them cry. I just wanted to make sure I told Emma's story properly.

I also wrote about a man shooting at two police officers. I don't like writing about crime. It's not my cup of tea but it was my weekend to work. After work, I vegged out on the couch.

On Sunday, I was Silly Girl on a mission--to find a New York Times for my boss and a Books-a-Million for me. I found both. BOM has the most awesome red velvet cupcakes. They are not cheap but are so worth it. After this, I headed to the BEST Goodwill store ever. I found tons of stuff. Plus a pair of black pumps that are gorgeous. I need to take some pictures of my shoe collection. It is the envy of most at work. After shopping, I headed home to watch The Stand on the Syfy channel.

I read the book in high school. It was the beginning of my lifelong affair with Stephen King. The man is a genius. I don't like everything he writes but 98% of it I have read. The miniseries is top notch.

In lieu of my Daily Dose, I give you my 11 things to do 2011:

1. Have JJ visit me in RR.

2. Get a story published in a magazine (not owned by my newspaper).

3. Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity

4. Learn to swim.

5. Have a housewarming party in my new apartment.

6. Conquer my fear of swimming.

7. Attend church on a regular basis.

8. Be a better friend.

9.Attend a concert.

10. Enter the NC Press Association News, Editorial and Photojournalism contest

11. Continue on the path to being ED free.


  1. So glad that you had a good weekend and went out on New Year's Eve! The story you wrote sounds incredibly touching.

    I love your goals, especially number eleven! You are so strong and beautiful, you'll make it through this.

    Take care!

  2. Sounds like you are starting off the year with a good attitude. Just keep it going and you will be alright!! What a sad but courageous story about that little girl. Makes us all realize how lucky we are.

  3. I like the list of things you want to do in 2011. It sounds like a really nice story you have written for that little girl. I was also in similar situation when I was born. I was 10 weeks early and had a congential abnormality that made them tell my parents I wouldn't make it through the night. When I did, they said it would be a week and then that I wouldn't walk and then that I wouldn't live that long. I have defied everything they said and more. I really like to hear stories like this. I'm glad she touched your heart like she did.

  4. Awesome goals! And you look lovely in your New Year's outfit.

    I wish you all the happiness and joy and freedom from Ed in 2011!


  5. You look great! :) have a great year with 100% success on on all goals!


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