Alive and Kicking

I woke up feeling refreshed and recharged. I had Monday off from work. I didn’t get out of bed until about 2 p.m.  I did some unpacking.

I haven’t been as diligent as I should so there are boxes in the kitchen and tons in the spare bedroom. It is so sad that I have so many clothes that I am not missing the ones still packed.

I got the news yesterday that the man who hired me at my current paper died on Friday. I will always be grateful to him for taking a chance on a shy girl with only weekly newspaper experience. Without him, I don’t think I would have made it to the big time.

I talked with JJ’s father last night. We are continuing to be on more friendly tones with one another. His mother is nearing the last stages of lung cancer so things are tense and sad with the family. I know what he is going through so I am trying to be there for him and JJ.

I love answering surveys and I saw this one on someone’s blog so I decided to do it. This is in place of the Daily Dose.

Four Words/Phrases I Use Too Much

1). Whatever!

2).  Sweet!

3). So let me get this straight!

4).  I don’t think so!

Four of My Passions

1).  Newspapers-- I love reading if they are five years old. I am a fan of the written word on newsprint.

2). Music:  Life would be so empty if there was no music to listen while cleaning, cooking or just driving the car.

3). Orange soda

4). Writing—It is my life.

Four Things You’d Discover Upon Meeting Me in Person

1).  Even though I am a reporter, I am really shy.

2). That I love heels.

3). The doors are dented on my car.

4). I am tiny. I am only 5 feet 2 inches.

Four Things I’ve Learned From the Past

1).  It is better to have three good friends than five crappy ones.

2).  It’s okay to break my rules.

3).  Just because they are family, you don’t have to like them.

4).  Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone.

Four Favorite Foods

1)  Chicken salad (especially from Elias’)

2)  Fish sticks

3) Golden Graham chocolate marshallow treats

4)  Mandarin chicken

Four TV Shows I Love

1)  Grey’s Anatomy

2)  Law and Order

3)  Top Chef

4)  Hoarders

Four Things I Love about Winter

1). Being able to wear cool sweaters

2). Cool tights

3). Seeing it snow

4). Being able to breathe in the cold air on a cold morning


  1. I like your list of things and it's nice to get to know you better!
    Sarah :-)


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