A new chapter

A new chapter starts in my life on Monday. I will be living into my new apartment. I am giving up the motel life. I will admit I am scared about leaving my room. But it has to be done. A lot has changed since I came to the Brookwood. And while I miss the coziness. I look forward to cooking on a stove and having a full-size refrigerator. I am looking forward to having JJ and friends visit me. Plus being able to open a window. I will post some pictures in a few days. For a person living in one room, I had a lot of stuff.  I have donated some to charity. Had a purse/bag giveaway at work. I was very popular that day.

I had the most inspiring day on Friday. I was sent to do a story on a church doing a toy and clothing giveaway. Basically, if you needed, you could take it. They were some of the nicest nonjudgmental. Everyone who came in was treated with kindness and respect. The same as some one in Belk's. After doing the interviews and photos, I was asked to pick something out. I declined but soon realize they wouldn't allow me to leave until I did so I picked out a purse with buttons on it. It reminded me of my grandmother. As I was talking to EH, she asked if I had any children. I told her about jj. Then I got a phone call telling me of another assignment. Before I left, I asked to use the restroom. When I came out, I found they had packed two bags of books and toys for JJ. Such a wonderful group of people.

I am spending my last night at the motel eating chicken salad, soaking in the tub and watching HBO. After tonight, I will not have cable and internet access until Thursday.

Daily Dose

1. My friend D was a great help in me moving. And a good second opinion when buying a bedroom suite.

2. Be able to step outside of my comfort zone.

3. Finding good chicken salad


  1. I hope you are enjoying your new apartment! (And thanks for your support - it means a lot to me.)


  2. Good luck in your new place :)

    Dana xo


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