Bittersweet Birthday

Today, I turned the big 37. It was weird not getting an early morning birthday call from my mom. My friends and co-workers worked hard to make sure today was a great day for me. I was a princess at the newspaper. Complete with a tiara and several magic wands. I truly felt loved.

I am sorry I have written as much. My new responsibilities at work have kept me crazy busy. Along with moving. I looked for an apartment and ended up moving five doors down to a bigger room at the motel. I love the motel life. It suits me. I am buying a toaster oven and crock pot so I have more cooking options.

Overall, I am doing so-so. Over the weekend, I attended a festival with D and got my blood pressure checked and my weight. BP is fine but since June, I have lost 13 pounds. I haven't started my meds because I thought maybe I don't need them. But between the weight loss, lack of sleep at night and wanting to sleep too much during the day, I think meds are in order. I can honestly say it is ED that is keeping me from eating. I am just depressed because I miss my mommy.

Daily Dose
1. D baked me a cake for my birthday and decorated my desk with tons of princess stuff.
2. My new room is a mess but large and awesome. I have two windows and tons of lights.
3. I see my favorite little guy this weekend. We have a movie date.


  1. Happy birthday. I hope you're week gets better and it does sound like meds sound like a good idea. I know that not everyone wants to take them, but 13 pounds sounds like too much to ignore.

  2. Happy B Day! Glad you've got some great co workers to make it a good day even though someone is missing. Living in a hotel sounds kinda cool! Work on getting yourself emotionally and physically better. You can do it.

  3. Happy birthday! Ur so young still!

  4. Happy BIrthday! And congrats on the new and bigger space!


    oh I'm so late...sorry about that.
    lots of love dear!!


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