One day at a time

I am back in the swing of things. With my job, all the beats have changed some. Mine completely. I am now the education reporter with four school districts and a college. I will admit I'm not thrilled about it. But I am lucky to have a job and it's will be a new challenge. So here I am. I start seeing a counselor next week. I would be lying if I said I am completely okay. But I am doing pretty decent.

Grey's Anatomy returned last night and it was awesome. Tomorrow, I am headed to Pickle Land to visit my friends and just relax. My new beat starts Monday so I am trying to chill and rest. I found my chocolate peanut butter bugles at Wally World. I got the last bag so now I am watching The Soup and munching down.

Daily Dose

1. Grey's Anatomy is back!
2. So is Criminal Minds even though it scared me.
3. My birthday is coming up soon.


  1. I love Criminal Minds! Wasn't too crazy about the season premiere though. It could have been better!

    I really hope you're doing ok. Take care of yourself, ok?

  2. take good care of yourself and stay strong about the new job :)
    I love Grey's Anatomy btw!


  3. Good luck on your new beat! I covered education for about five years at the paper; the hardest part was learning all the acronyms used in education and how education is financed in Michigan, as I'm not a numbers person at all. The best part was going to the schools and writing about all the fun stuff the kids were doing - it is a beat ripe with features and everyone wants to read about their kid or grandkid, so it makes you pretty popular. :)

    I'm bummed I missed Grey's Anatomy! I fell asleep on the couch, thinking I would watch it. I have been so tired since I started the refeeding process.

    Anyway, take care of yourself and enjoy your new beat; it can be a lot of fun!


  4. Happy early birthday! My birthday is coming up next thursday(:

  5. Good luck with your new tasks :) It's okay to not be completely 100% are doing a fantastic job of handling yourself.
    And happy early birthday! Do you have any awesome plans?


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