Sleep—Best. Thing. Ever.

Last night, I got 9.5 hours of sleep. Good sleep with no beeping hospital machines or nurses coming in the room every hour. I am home. At least until Monday evening and then I drive back to Charlotte.

I have missed my room, the bed and shower. It was nice to work at my desk and see my friends. My mother has improved so much. She is sitting up, feeding herself and just being herself in general. When I left Thursday evening, I was frustrated because my brother had talked my mom out of hospice care. He is still in denial about just how sick she is. I have overhead the nurses and Dr. T talking, things are not good. I think her doctor is waiting until she is stronger before he tells her the complete truth. I see the signs. Her doctor is urging her to go to hospice and to fill out an advance directive. My brother refuses to see the signs and tells me I am being negative. No, I am being realistic. I have to remember that we are two different people with six years between us. Plus, I was there when my grandmother was dying of bone cancer. I am not a pro but I know what is going on. I am trying not to say too much because this is how families can become strained. So I after spending next week with her, I am going home to work for about a week and half. I need some time to process things.

Today, I covered a motorcycle ride and a back to school event. It was hot. I got a little overheated and lost my breakfast. I am happy to say that my appetite is back. I was worried at the hospital because it slowly went away. Before I left, I was living on grilled cheese sandwiches and French fries. I think it was the stress of being at the hospital and being off my routine. I eat at 8 a.m, noon and 6 p.m. I can adjust every so often but if I am off the routine, it drives me crazy. At the hospital, I eat when they bring my mother’s tray—between 8:30 –8:45 a.m., 12:30-12:45 and 5:30-5:45.

Hopefully, my mother will be released next week. I know she is ready to go home. Even though, I secretly things she likes being there.

Daily Dose

1. I found my favorite candy—coconut stacks. Even though, I hate coconut. I love this candy.
2. Having a chance to sat on a Honda Goldwing. This is the Cadillac of motorcycles. It was so sweet.
3. I love my job. It gives me a measure of peace when things are crazy.


  1. I am a huge fan of sleep too! So wonderful!! Glad your mom is doing better. And, that is so awesome that you love your job.

  2. Glad your mum is doing better but sorry that you are struggling with your brother. That can be difficult. I don't think my mum doing to well right now, she has something wrong with her foot and the cancer word has passed the lips of one of her doctors. It's kind of scary really. Cancer is right throughout both sides the family with my mum and dad having relatives either have it or have passed away from it. We don't yet know what is wrong with mum because he doctors cannot agree and she is having a third opinion tomorrow. She is not holding up too well but I think she holds up less than she is showing us. She is only 53 and she can barely walk, when six months ago she was fine. I'm not going to start to worry yet though because we don't know. On a good note, I got your card off in the mail yesterday. Hopefully it won't take too long :-)

  3. Sleep is so wonderful and rejuvenating :) I feel like a new woman after sleeping in on weekends! I'm so happy to hear your mom is doing better. I know family dynamics can be really hard with this kind of situation. Hang in there!


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