The adventures of Silly Girl with special guest Flip Flop Boy

I have returned home for a few days. It was so great to sleep in my bed and not hear machines. I miss my mom but I needed some time away. It is great being back at work. Writing helps to sooth my mind and I can get back into a routine.

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support. This is a difficult time. I am trying to take care of my mother and myself.

My friends ask me how am I doing. Honestly, I don't know. I knew this day would come and tried to prepare for it. But it is still hard.

Yesterday, as I am driving on I-95 with the music blaring, I felt like a normal person. For a few moments, I didn’t have a dying mother or stressed about anything. In that moment, I was just a Silly Girl singing badly with her favorite song. I can’t sing. I have accepted I will never be on American Idol or in any type of singing competition. But I will not let this stop me from singing in the shower.
Before heading home, I got to spend an hour with JJ at Wal-Mart. My little guy has embraced flip flops. “They are the best. Thing. Ever,” he said. He was so adorable that I brought a disposable camera to take a picture of him.

My husband and I are working on being more than civil to one another. We have two key things in common. We are both parents of a beautiful boy and we both have dying mothers who mean the world to us. So we are both trying our best. Plus, before marriage, child and other things—we were best friends. The marriage is over but at least we are trying for the sake of JJ.

I am not a Wal-Mart person but I had a great time with him. I think I know every movie he has ever seen. I was quizzed on all of his favorite comic book heroes. It was the best hour. Plus, I got lots of hugs and kisses.

Daily Dose

1. Hugs and kisses from my little guy

2. Trying Brunswick Stew for the first time. I liked it.

3. Being back in my element 


  1. Thinking of you....get some rest.. remeber the good times and as you push forward surround ur self with friends to help yopu deal with the pain...


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