Medical Staycation--Day 3 the rise of Silly Girl

I woke up today feeling a little bit more like me. After ordering a biscuit and gravy to go, I read the Sunday paper without having to take a nap. I folded and put away a month's worth of laundry while catching up on Top Chief--Washington DC. Since today is July 4th, I grilled some chicken on my George Foreman. And then took a loooong nap.

A few weeks ago, I found this column online that asked if you could have just ten, what books would you keep?

What if I had to choose just ten books to last me for the rest of my life?

It is a question I ask sometimes when I look at the shelf in my room. It is stacked with many books and magazines. I can't imagine not having books in my life.

It has taken me about three weeks but here are my selections.

1. A blank book for my writing. It is not good for my thoughts to stay in my head.

2. The Bible: I am a spiritual person. My grandmother read the Bible to me as a child. And when she became ill, I read the Bible to her. Some of my best times were reading with her.

3. A good dictionary: There is something about looking up words old school. Google is great but sometimes you need to get back to the basics. Plus, sometimes I like to open it at random and learn a new word.

4. Prince Ombra by Roderick MacLeish: This is my favorite book of all time. I have two copies. One that I found in a bookstore by chance. The other copy is from my junior high school library that shows where I checked it out so much. When the junior high moved to a new building, the librarian made sure I got it.

5. The Stand: Expanded Edition: For the First Time Complete and Uncut by Stephen King--This books speaks to me on so many different levels.

6. The complete works of Shakespeare: He should be included.

7. Green Eggs and Ham-- Dr. Seuss: It is my favorite book to read and act out to my son.

8 The World Almanac and Book of Facts-- I learn something knew everything I thumb through it.

9. Night by Elie Wiesel: A powerful memoir of a childhood suffered in concentration camps during the Holocaust.

10. Grandmother's Kitchen Wisdom: I have learned so much from this book. It is the best 50 cents I have ever spent at a library.

What ten would you chose? It is not easy to do. I hope I never have to make that choice. I posted a picture of my bookshelf along with a picture of my favorite guy in the whole wide world.

Daily Dose

1. The History Channel is pretty cool.

2. Grilled chicken

3. Starting to feel like me again.


  1. hey, interesting post :)
    love the grilled chicken and I'm so happy you like prodigy AND framing hanley !!


  2. When I was a kid, I would read the dictionary and encyclopedias for fun. :) You are right; Google is useful but it's just not the same.

    I also would pick the Bible, Shakespeare and The Stand (the expanded version, which is how King wrote it in the first place - his publisher made him cut it when he didn't have enough clout to say no.) That book has so much to say about human nature, good vs. evil, etc. etc. It is definitely a masterpiece!

    The others would be hard to choose (I would probably try to sneak an extra 10 or 20 books just because!)

  3. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert- I have to hate myself a little for picking a contemporary work with Wilde, Dumas, Doyle, T.H.White, Dickens, Thoreau, Nabakov, and so, so many others on the line, but it always cheers me on.


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