Medical Staycation--Day 1

I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I read the new GQ with Taylor Lautener on the cover. He is absolutely gorgeous. I haven't seen the latest Twilight movie. And I live down the street from the theater. The theater here only shows 3 movies so options are limited. But the place has been packed thanks to Twilight.

I started the antibotics, steroids and decongestant. I feel even worse but I think that is normal. I left the room to go to the bank and the post office, which left me quite tired. I have read a ton of magazines and watched Grey's Anatomy. Basically, I am behaving. My mom is so worried about me. She has called a few times.

I was checking the NC Press Association website. The Gaston Gazette needs a reporter and so does the Fayetteville. Gastonia is an hour from my mom. I'm not sure about applying for it. Deep down inside I know the answer--I want to stay here. I like it here. For the first time in a long time, I have friends and colleagues are good people. Plus, I got a person. There are things I still need to do. I am finally finding my groove and who I am.

I needed to get this off my chest. Also big thank you to all of y'all for your well-wishes. Have a Happy Fourth of July!!!!

Daily Dose

1. Chili from Wendy's

2. Finding my favorite juice on sale.

3. Having time to read a book in bed. And not a doctor's office or before a meeting.


  1. I hate when I wake up in the wee morning hours and can't get back to sleep. At least you got in some fun reading time :) I'm glad you're "behaving" and taking it easy. I'm sure your body needs the rest.
    Give yourself some time to think about the reporter positions. You are so overloaded right now and changing jobs when you love where you are could be hard. Take it easy! Have a good 4th :)

  2. I'm glad you are taking it easy. You don't want to over do it and get sick again. Oh and thank you for the message on my old blog (This Lunatic Express) too by the way. I hope you get fully better soon. Thinking of you!


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