Finding a balance while beating the heat

I return to work this week with a slight vegenance. It is hard working while trying to get well. This heat is so draining. But I have been working on a balance.

RR is a great city but does not have much in terms of thrift stores. I love a good thrift store. There is something about finding a good deal while helping out a good cause. There is a consignment store in the mall that fills that need for me. I have found some of the most awesome things for good prices.

After a long week that ended with D being sick and me being frustrated, I needed some retail therapy. Those shoes pictured cost me $8 total. It is amazing a pair of shoes can refresh an outfit. There is a small group of women at the newspaper who I consider style goddess. These gals can dress and do it on a budget. Yesterday, I made it into the group. One of them, R, who always looks so polished. The humidity has been awful but she still looks like she just stepped out of the shower. I ran into her in the break room while wearing my awesome black and white dress (I posted a picture of it). She told me she loves my style especially my taste in shoes. R had planned to donate a bunch of her stuff and her daughters to the consignment store but said I was welcome to have first look. Can we say score!!!! It is great to be me.

I have come a long way from being a tomboy who refused to wear dresses to finding my own unique style. I love who I am becoming. This would have never been possible without being in recovery. I still have some issues I am working through with my therapist but I am doing okay.

Being sick has made me appreciate things more. If this had happened one to two years ago, I would have probably died because my body would have been much to weak and frail. Even with all the uncertainty in my life, I can at least count on my mental and physical health.

Daily Dose

1. Big Lots is awesome. They are having a sale on books and they are putting out back to school items.

2. Shoes, shoes and more shoes.

3. New episode of True Blood Sunday night


  1. I cannot for the life of me walk in heels. I am really glad you found some bargins. They are always awesome to find aren't they :-)


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