Using time

"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and to have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning the day difficult."--E.B. White

This is the quote I picked to live in 2010. So far, I think I have changed the world a little in RR with my writing. I having an okay time. It is sad that being sick has made me slow down and appreciate things. I have been in this room since Wednesday. I did venture out to the bank Thursday.

Thank you all for your support. I can't do everything and be everything. I just want to be the best daughter, the best mom and the best reporter. But in the process, I forgot about being good to me.So I have used my downtime to read, soak in the tub and eat spray cheese straight from the can. The steroids have kicked in. Marathons on cable are the salvation for the shut-in. One day it was Law and Order:SVU, another day Criminal Minds. Today is America's Next Top Model--Cycle Seven. I tried to watch the State of Play but it's a long movie.

One of my favorite things to eat when I'm sick is Spaghetti-os. They are recalled. I found out from my mom. I had just opened a can and heated some up. It sucked because I wanted to eat them so bad.

There is so much happening today. There is a fly-in at the airport, a festival, a free health clinic and Lake Day. I am bummed that I'm not there but I have made peace with it. I can't do everything and be everything to everyone.

Daily Dose

1. Spray cheese in a can.

2. Naps are the best medicine.
3. The Mentalist is a pretty good show.


  1. I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself!

  2. Sorry you're sick. I hope you get better soon. I have been fighting off a cold for two weeks. It's not formed fully and it's not going away. Now Andy is sick and that's the worst because he is acting like the world has come to an end, lol. Thinking of you and thanks for your comment.

  3. I hope you keep feeling better! Rest up, as hard as it is. And I love America's Next Top Model. It's a guilty pleasure ;) I also really liked "State of Play," though it's long. It's a good movie for a late night.

  4. Hi Silly Girl,

    I hope you're feeling better. It's never fun when we don't feel 100%, but like you said, it also gave your time for yourself.

    BTW: I love what you've done with your site. It looks awesome.

    Happy Blogging!


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