Memories of my grandmother

I am headed for home this week. I haven’t checked in with my mom or my son has often as I should. With my mom, I just can’t handle anymore depressing news. And in order to talk to my son, I have to talk to my husband. I don’t feel like dealing with him.
I just wanted a few moments of “ignorance is bliss.” But early in the a.m., I head for home.
I read on the newswire that Rue McClanahan had died. She played Blanche on the Golden Girls tv show. This was one of my grandmother’s favorite shows. She was fun person to watch tv with. It’s moments like this that I miss her. On my nightstand is a picture her and I when I was in college.
While growing up, I was a grandma’s girl. Before the age of 12, I knew more life skills that most kids. I know how to kill a chicken, clean it and cut it up. A good skill to have in case I end up on Survivor.
I know how to freeze and can vegetables. During my summers, I help to make pickles. I hate pickles. I don’t even like the smell of them.
I have the same feeling about peaches but I know how to make perserves, jelly and ice cream how of them.
Knowing these type of things are a lost art. But they bring back so many different memories.
My grandmother had a deep freezer that held most of the things grown in the summer. We didn’t have much money so those items came in handy in the winter. It was from her I learned how to cook and do more with less.
She never understood me and my ED. Sometimes, she would said if she hadn’t have had the mini-strokes maybe I wouldn’t have gotten off track. She didn’t understand the logistics but she knew I was too thin.
Three years before she died, I had to leave college for a year after a suicide attempt and some major depression. Even though, I was away from my friends, I got to be roomies with her. We watched tv when I wasn’t working or talked about things. Emotions weren’t big in my family. But she expressed how proud of me she was.
I miss her so much because the numbers are dwindling. When she died, my mom took over as the matriarch and family godmother. I am know being groomed for the role of godmother and protector of the family. I will have two sets of big shoes to fill.

Daily Dose
1. I am addicted to chicken fries at Burger King.
2. Food Lion has had this awesome clearance on very expensive notebooks that are now $1 or 75 cents. I will be set for the next few months.
3. Be able to see two of my favorite people in the world.


  1. Such nice memories of your grandmother. That must have been so comforting to be roomies with her during that hard time. And it's so cool that you know all those skills -- freezing and canning veggies, making ice cream and preserves... Impressive!
    It's understandable that you'd want some reprieve from the stressful family situations. Take care of yourself!

  2. A lovely post indeed. I bet she was a wonderfull woman :)

    oh, I know how to kill a chicken too, my dad has a dozen of them at his house.. it's funny that you know all these extraordinary things!!
    and as for the pickles...they do smell bad!

    goodnight to you :)


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