Adventures in ..... in bikini shopping

In a year, I have come a long way in dealing with some major body issues. Last summer, I wore summery dresses that came to my ankles. And I laughed at wearing a shirt. I only wore shorts around the house.

I've come a long way! Tonight, I brought a bikini. I am not the best swimmer but my girl D lives on the Lake. After a brutal week, she invited me to her house tomorrow to chill. For the past few weeks, she has been encouraging me to buy a bikini. And thanks to her and my other friend T, I am wearing dresses that are knee length and higher.

It was 90 degrees today and I had two outside events to cover for the paper. I wore a cute black shirt with a black striped tank and white short sleeved shirt. I looked cute and didn't freak to much about my legs showing.

Last night, I rode a Ferris Wheel for the first time ever. It was fun and freeing. Then I brought some Chicken on a stick and headed home. Today, I was back at the festival working. No time for rides but I did make time for the best barbecue chicken. It was good.

Work has been brutal this week. Our week goes from Tuesday to Monday. When I turn my timecard in on Tuesday, I will have 70 hours. It scared me when I added it up. I love being a reporter. And I love the people I work with but things are getting tense and uneasy. I do my best to take out it. I have a crumbling marriage, a dying mother and trying to come from an ED. I don't need anymore drama or heartache. Next week is my therapy appointment.

I'll post some pictures of my bikini and possibly me in it next week. We'll see! Have a good rest of the weekend.

Daily Dose

1. Festival food rocks!

2. There is no sweeter view than one from top of a Ferris Wheel.

3. Heading to the Lake tomorrow for some R&R.


  1. Congratulations on trying new thingss

    It's what makes life interesting and exciting.
    If we only ever did what we know and were never to learn new ways it would make for a dull life.

    Keep on having fun.

    love to you :) x Robyn

    If you get a chance come and have a look at what I have been up to x

  2. Good for you in buying a bikini. I think you are amazing, as I couldn't do that myself just yet. Though it is winter here, so all I want right now is another blanket.

    In a way I'm glad I never did take up my career in journalism. Although I did a masters in it at uni, I just don't have the confidence or the will to want to work all that time.


  3. I definitely want to see pictures of the bikini (at least by itself!)
    sounds you had fun :)

    have a great time at your friend's!!

  4. Congrats on the bikini! I've spent so many summers covered up and it is hard to have the confidence to show a little more body. I always envy women who are totally comfortable in their bodies (regardless of size). You are dealing with a lot right now, so adding a bikini to the mix (and having fun with it) is a real accomplishment :)

  5. Good for you! I did buy a two-piece, it has boy shorts. (I usually don't do bikinis only because I hate shaving my bikini line, lol!)

    Glad you are enjoying yourself!


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