Adventures from the first Monday of the month

I have returned to world of words at the newspaper.

My mom is doing better. She had a doctor's appointment today. Her potassium is great but they are concern with white blood cell count. If it dips or she gets an infection, hello hospital stay. Plus, she has lost a lot of weight so they are putting her on steroids. Hopefully, it will improve her appetite.

Today, I was totally the prepster with cute khakis with a sweater vest and white short sleeved button down. I look like I was going to play golf. Instead, it was county commissioners.

Tomorrow, I think I will be riding a horse for the first time in my life. It is part of a story so I am looking forward to it but nervous. Horses are beautiful but intimidating.

Sorry such a short post but I am hitting the bed early tonight.

Daily Dose

1. Sonic cheesesticks are an awesome snack.

2. Treating my two fellow reporters to Chocolate sundae pie at Burger King.

3. Feeling more balanced than I have in a longtime.


  1. well I have never done horse riding, I mean I actually avoid it cause it's a part of each year one day thing and I always think of ways to escape :p
    I don't like horses..and I don't even know why

    Have fun though, hope at least you can enjoy it :)

  2. bonjour :)
    i'm glad you like my dress.. i'm so in love with it it's slightly obsessive haha.
    eeeeeek the exams are still coming nice and thickly but woah next thursday (L) they'll be all done with :)
    ahhh im so happy your mum's doing better :) and as for horse riding :) guarantee you'll love it :)

  3. OOh, have fun with the horse riding!
    Your outfit sounds really cute :) I'm glad your mom is doing a bit better! You sound more upbeat!


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