Livin' the hospital life

I can work a 12 to 13 hour day with no problem. But I am about to go crazy here in this hospital. I don't like changes to my routine. When my mom eats breakfast, lunch and dinner, she expects me to eat also. Hospitals feed patients earlier than real life. Plus, I am not as open minded about food as I like to think. But I have been drinking more water just because it is good for me and my mom stares when I drink more than one soda a day.

I have explored the hospital so this morning I ventured out to the surrounding streets. A community college is nearby so I explored the bookstore and the library.

My mom is not to happy with me right now. I told the nurse about a wound (the size of a quarter) under her arm from radiation. It looks and smells bad. My mom and brother thought it would just get better on its own. She's in a hospital that is one of the best in the state and nation. I spoke up and they are pissed at me. For awhile today, I was wish I was home in my motel room.

Daily Dose

1. Beautiful weather with crazy temperatures

2. Duke won the NCAA. I was one of a few to pick them to go all the way.

3. Orange soda and oatmeal raisin cookies make things a little better.


  1. Nobody likes being stuck in hospitals, and the food is not desirable to most (even those without eating disorders to contend with). I really don't like things being out of my control -- whether it's food, a loved one's health, etc. I know it's a tough time. Hang in there!

  2. Hospitals do seem to a time frame all of there own SG! Raisin cookies - yummy!

  3. Thankyou very much for your comment, i appreciate it heaps!
    Well done on sticking it out at the hospital - i can understand as i spent months at hospital with my mum recently, as she had operation after operation, culminating in a leg amputation.
    Its difficult to cope with a complete lack of control plus the heartache of a loved ones pain.
    Love and strength to you,
    Jennifer xx


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