Home is Where the Heart Is

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend. I spent time with my mom this weekend. She has lost weight, has no appetite and sleeps a lot. She loved seeing her name on the front of newspaper along with the ad inside. She thought it was very sweet especially when she found out it was printed on 15,000 newspapers.

The visit was bittersweet. My dad and brother are in various degrees of denial. My dad thinks if my mom would stop sleeping so much and move around, she would get better. And brother thinks all of this is just a minor hiccup and she will be back at work by summer. I am the only one looking at this realistically. She will never work again. Instead of stressing, I will take it day by day like my mom does and believe in a higher power.

I hate seeing her in pain. It scares me that this maybe her last birthday. I don't want to lose my mommy but I don't want to see her in pain. My grandmother died of bone cancer in 1998. I bet my mom struggled with the same feelings.

I am so used to us tooling around Rock Vegas together. We go to grocery stores and consignment shops. We visit family. This was the first visit where we didn't do this. She gave me a list of errands divided by stores and items. I shopped while she slept. Once I got back, we ate chicken rice made by my aunt Em and watched a Sister, Sister marathon. All in all, a pretty decent weekend.

Daily Dose

1. My aunt's chicken and rice is delicious.

2. Seeing my mom happy.

3. Watching one of my favorite movies, A Time to Kill.


  1. I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you! I hope you are okay, as I have seen before when a family member isn't well, others forget to see if you are okay and I really hope you are!

  2. Hello, it was such a great surprise to come across your blog, as I sometimes feel like the odd-one-out in blogging, as I am the oldest person with/recovering from Anorexia, that i have come across in the blog-world (I am 38).

    I look forward to reading your blog and getting to know you through your words.

    Love Jennifer


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