Friday night at the theater

Last night for the first time in years, I went to a theatre and watched the musical Bye Bye Birdie. I had a good time and lots of laughs. It was nice just to forget about my life for a few hours.

Things looked sad for my mom. Her test revealed spots of cancer in her lungs and liver. So Tuesday, on her birthday, she starts chemo. She was more upset about her surgery being delayed once again. I can understand this. She is quite a trouper.

This is my weekend to work. Today has been insanely busy with me arriving at 6 a.m. to write two stories. Then off to edge of the world to do interviews at community center being opened there, fielding calls from angry folks about a school issue, covering a health fair, writing two more stories and proofing pages. After the health fair, I made time to get a chicken sandwich from Hardees. It was huge and it was good. As I write this, I have downloading photos and preparing to cover an American Idol type event later this evening. And then maybe there will be some rest for the a weary Silly Girl. I would love to say I have Sunday and Monday off, which I do but I have to work on stuff for Tuesday's paper. But I will get some R&R somehow.

Overall, I am doing okay. I am working on the work/play balance.

Daily Dose

1. Chocolate is so great when you're tired.

2. Finding the coolest bag for $10.

3. Having supportive friends (this includes those reading this!!!!)


  1. I so love musicals!
    hope your mum stays strong and gets better as soon as possible :):)

  2. Hope your mom does ok with chemo. You are staying so strong through this! Take care of yourself!


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