I survived Valentine's Day so where's my shirt?

I survived V-Day. I spent yesterday watching tv and eating pizza and peanut butter oreos in bed. I just couldn't stomach going home and seeing my husband with someone else. The heart can only take but so much.

So I watched a marathon of Snapped (where wives and girlfriends kill) and the Olympics. Overall, a great day plus I went to CVS and bought myself a box of chocolates. And they were soooooooo good.

I am not down on love or V-Day. I know there is something out there for me. Right now, I just need to figure me out and the rest will come.

Today, it was county commissioners along with other stories. I just finished writing two stories and sent them to my boss. While watching my favorite movie, Day After Tomorrow. Jake Gyllenhaal always makes me happy. Plus Hoarders comes on at 10.

Overall, I think I am doing well considering I am on no meds or seeing a therapist. And let me tell you meds would be so helpful right now. I have figure out a plan to be a good daughter and mother while handling the responsibilities of my beat. I am going to have three day weekends when I don't work. This means 10 hour days Tuesday-Thursday. I'll be off on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and work on Mondays. It's the only way right now. And I can go 10 hours without even thinking about it. I want to have a life but at the same time I want to be there for my mother and son. So far now, this is what I do. However, this plan is subjected to change.

Daily Dose

1. Jake Gyllenhaal

2. Coming home to a freshly made bed. One advantage of motel living.

3. Standing in line at a convenience store and hearing two guys talking about an article I wrote and how much they learned reading it. I felt like Clark Kent since I was wearing my glasses. The story was about a couple who had been married for 60 years.


  1. Congratulations for your blog! hugs

  2. I'm glad you made it through Valentine's Day and were able to enjoy some good stuff on TV (and chocolates!). You really are doing GREAT, especially considering that you are without meds and therapy. Do you get to start up again soon? You're juggling a lot with your job, your mom, and your son (not to mention dealing with things with your husband). I'm glad you are able to have these days of kindness with yourself!

  3. I love Day After Tomorrow,too! Well done I really really admire you doing all these stuff that exhaust you physicaly AND emotionaly and dealing with sow many stuff at the same time!!


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