A snow storm is a brewing

I will not be able to go home this weekend due to a pending snow storm here and at home. I am not happy about this because I was looking forward to seeing my son and my mom. But it is better to be safe and warm than stranded and cold. Since I going to be around, I volunteered to work to help a co-worker out.

I got paid today and noticed on my check that my health and dental had been deducted. I have insurance. My cards went to my other address but I finally have insurance. I can't wait to start seeing a therapist and getting back on my meds. I am not restricting but my eating could be a whole lot better with meds and a therapist.

Overall, I am in a pretty decent mood. I am tired. So tired that I am not watching Grey's Anatomy and planning to go to bed when I am done downloading my photos for tomorrow's paper. I have a hot date with my two pillows later tonight. And I can't wait.

Daily Dose

1. I only had to pay for breakfast today. Lunch and dinner were free courtesy of the school system.

2. Even though I will still have to work, I want it to snow.

3. I am tired beyond belief but I still love the fact that I get paid to tell people stories.


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you have insurance! That's great! I think it's very wise to reach out to stay on track with your health, especially with so many stressful things going on. I'm sure your son and mom will miss you, but it's best to stay safe (and warm)! Hope the storm isn't too bad! Sleep well :)


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