Out of sorts sorta kinda maybe

I think this is one of my favorite pictures of JJ. We were at McDonald's and he was trying to eat and play. The Playland room had lots of windows and was freezing. JJ and his little friends didn't notice this while playing. But other mothers and I noticed. I thought I was going to freeze but it was worth to see how happy JJ was to play with other kids.

I returned to work today. Things felt out of tune. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do for Tuesday’s paper. I rarely get assignments from my editor because I usually come up with my own stuff or something from my beat falls in my lap. So Sunday, I tested that theory by picking up copies of the papers I missed and looking through them for story ideas.
At 9 a.m. this morning, I felt myself at a Ministers’ meeting and later finding out about a drug bust. I have two stories for Tuesday’s paper. It’s good to be home.

I will never get used to the cold but am loving the cute sweaters I own. I work in a newsroom where some are hot natured and the others of us have to learn to layer. I am looking forward to going home and vegging tonight. I have meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights so chilling is definitely on the menu along with leftover pizza and soup.

I still haven’t heard anything about my insurance. I am going to talk with human resources tomorrow and hope for the best. I really need to see a therapist and be back on my meds.

Daily Dose

1. Steak biscuits are 99 cents at Bojangles. They are loaded with salt. Sometimes it is good to be bad. Plus, eating a steak biscuit makes me drink lots of water.

2. I am going to workout at the Wellness Center for the first time tomorrow evening before my meeting.

3. I love watching Chelsea Handler before going to bed.


  1. That's so cool how you get story ideas! It sounds very fun and fulfilling.

    What a cute picture of your boy!

    I'm all about vegging during the week. Enjoy it :)


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