Trying to stay focus

I think it should be mandated that we have four day work weeks. Today was long and wet. When I got home, I accidentally took a small chunk out of my finger rummaging through one of my bags. A frame had broken and I didn't know it. Here's a picture of my bandaged finger. I can still type pretty decent.

The mechanic is still trying to find parts for my car. I am still managing to get things done without a car. One good thing about this is I am not punishing myself by not eating. Three meals and two snacks. I am proud of this fact because usually I take to the bed and sleep. But I am doing what I needs to be done.

I am trying to stay focused and not get discouraged by things. I have faith that the mechanic will find the part and I'll get my car back. I want to go home this weekend and see my guys.

Daily Dose

1. The mechanic help to bandaged my finger.

2. I still love my job.


  1. Sounds like you're doing okay, despite what life has thrown at you with the car, your finger, etc. I'm glad you're not punishing yourself by not eating. Taking care of yourself is so important. Everything else will fall into place -- I know it :) I'm happy that you're so happy with your job. That's great!


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