Ducky Derby

I had a quiet weekend up here. One of my co-workers took me to the Ducky Derby. It is a festival centered around the releasing of more than 4,000 rubber ducks. You pay $5 per duck in order to try to win a million dollars or at the least a few hundred bucks. No one has ever won the million. I went to the event and had a good time. It was nice to get out.

I am not sure what this week will bring but I am ready. I hope I figure out what to do about my car. I miss going home to see my guys and being mobile. I am trying to ween myself off of watching so much cable. You start watching one episode of CSI and soon most of the day is gone.

Daily Dose

1. 99 cent value menu has returned to Wendy's. I love the chili and baked potato.

2. Being able to


  1. Sounds like a fun day at the Derby! And I'm obsessed with CSI and completely understand how one episode turns into a marathon ;)


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