Playing the waiting game

I am now playing the waiting game. In a few days, I will know whether I will become a full-time reporter or head for the fast food route. The interview with the local paper went very well. She was very impressed with my clips and cover letter. I feel like a made a real connection with the editor. I was definitely there with my game face on. I really hope I get this job.

I didn’t get the job in Cashiers. They hired someone else. Well at least I tried and I now know how to get to Cashiers and other places in between.

I have updated the list of books I have been reading. Right now, I am reading two books at once. One is my bedroom book and the other is my out and about book that I read before interviews or at the doctor’s office. I have always kept a list of books I read during the year with notes. This year is different. I read a column earlier in the year that said a few years ago, former President George W. Bush read 40 books in last year. In 2006, he read 95 books and 51 in 2007. I am still trying to figure out how he had time to do this. I am unemployed, a mother of an active three-year-old and a husband, trying to freelance, recovering from an ED and living life. I have only found time to read 15 books. When did the leader of the free world have time to read so many books. So I am trying to see how many I can read in a year.

Daily Dose

1. Watching Saturday morning cartoons with my son
2. Teaching my son how to do the hokey pokey. I don’t know who had more fun.


  1. I love reading two books at once. I leave one in the bedroom and one elsewhere. Sorry about the job, but I really believe the right one will come along!

  2. I agree with Kim - the right one will come along so keep your chin up and a smile shining on! As for reading, wow, I have a half doz at once going and all with sticky tabs in them - blogging ideas.


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