A New look

Since I have moved to start a new job, I decided to change things around a bit on NotesFromtheVoices. I think it looks pretty good.

I used to the day organize my room and finish unpacking. It has been a nice relaxing day filled with music and reading. I miss my guys and talk to them a few times each day. It is an adjustment and I am handling it pretty good. Yesterday, I went shopping for healthy and affordable snacks. I got some trail mix, some chewy granola bars and some barbecue chips. I am sticking to my meal and snack routine well. I qualify for insurance in about 90 days. I am researching therapists in the area.

For the most part, I am happy. I'll post some pictures of my room soon.

Daily Dose

1. Keeping a routine and getting organized.

2. I got a library card. I feel connected to the world.


  1. I like the new look!
    Sounds like you're adjusting well with the new job! Glad to hear it. And, I'm with you on library cards -- love 'em.

  2. Thanks! I feel things are falling into place.

  3. I have to get a library card too! I love the new look by the way :D

  4. It's always been a dream of mine to live in a hotel! I really love to hear everything is going well, and your new look is lovely.

  5. good luck unpacking and on the new job!


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