Change is in the air

This morning, I met with the oral surgeon--Dr. K. He and his staff were very sweet to me. He will be removing most of my teeth. He has a grandfather like personality. Since I am having so many removed and some are broken off, I will be an outpatient at the hospital. So hopefully sometime in mid-August, I will have them removed and maybe by the mid-September, I will have some new teeth. I wish Dr. K could be my dentist because he was soooo nice and didn't make me feel bad for having Medicaid or an ED. He told me he didn't know much about me but could tell I was very motivated. While waiting for him, I was reading the latest Dean Koontz book, Relentless. And the book is excellent. I love Dean Koontz. He is my dream interview. I would love to find out how he comes up with his stories.

Yesterday was a loooong day involving a four and half hour drive to Cashiers, NC. I had a 45 minute drive up a mountain. Overall, I think the interview went well. I am one of 200 plus applicants. They are interviewing about 30 people. So I’m in the top 30. I should know if I have the job Friday at the earliest and next Wednesday at the latest. The interview was about two hours long. Cashiers is a second home type community made of wealthy retirees. The paper looks great. I think I would be up to the challenge working there. The mountain thing does have me a little freaked because when it snows, it usually happens in the mountains first.

For the ride, I listened to various mix cds that I had made and NPR. It was nice drive. I got lost twice. When I arrived in Cashiers, I went the wrong way and ended up at the library but soon found my way back. The town only has two traffic lights. On the way home, I took the wrong 485 and ended up in uptown Charlotte during rush hour. I kept my cool and managed to find my way home. I owe this to my hubby for always showing me different ways around Charlotte and taking my mom to chemo. I guess it all stuck with me.

Today, I will catch up on housework and do some follow-ups on jobs. I am a little stressed about my unemployment running out but I am taking proactive and hopefully. Something good will happen soon. I just need to keep the faith. So I am doing the two things that calm me--visiting the library and drinking orange soda.

Daily Dose

1. Dr. K rocks as a medical professional.

2. Making your own mix cds for a long road trip

2. Eating skittles makes the time go sweeter.


  1. Oh good, I hope your teeth are well taken care of! Sounds like they will be :) I'm thinking positive thoughts for the job situation!

  2. More positive vibes coming your way!

  3. You're really showing that being proactive in your life will bring about change for the better. This was really good to read. Oh, and the library and orange soda made me laugh- I love both too.


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