Spring Cleaning

It has been such nice weather that I decided to do some Spring Cleaning. I have never really done this in the past. But what I did today gave me a since of accomplishment.

Tomorrow is Chapel Hill day. My husband and I have talked more in the past few days than in weeks. But Chapel Hill has not come up. I have made peace with the fact that I may have to leave the study. He hasn't said much but he did say how he would need to decompress afterwards. I am looking forward to it. I am ready.

My favorite tv show is Lost. Unfortunately, it a repeat tomorrow night. This is my form of decompressing. I haven't heard anything on the job front yet but I am still hopeful.


  1. Hi Silly Girl,

    I was wondering if you had heard anything on the job. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Your post reminded me that I also have to think about Spring cleaning. Our weather is suppose to warm up and get sunny, so that might get me in the mood.


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