I love the library!

I am a big fan of libraries. We all have our coping mechanism or a happy place. Mine is the library. If I am having a bad day or week, I come to the library. The quiet, the books and librarians--it makes me happy. I can come here to get away from bad stuff. Today is a dreary, rainy day but in the library it is warm and toasty. So far, I am going to check out my favorite newspaper--the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. You can only check out three magazines at a time so I am going with Entertainment Weekly, Vanity Fair and People. When I get a job, I am going to renew my subscription to Entertainment Weekly. My mailbox and I miss it.

Vanity Fair just rocks! And People helps celebrity gossip addiction. I am trying to figure out the next book to read for my list.

Yesterday, I had a pretty good day. My husband and I left the beach for home at about 6:30 a.m. because I had an event to cover for the newspaper. He was so sweet and didn't wake me during the drive. I had a great time being a writer yesterday. Afterwards, it was home and out for a late dinner.

Today, I picked up our son. My mother-in-law kept him while we were at the beach. She wanted us to have some alone time. I have the best mother-in-law ever. Most of my friends say their mother-in-laws are bossy and controlling. Not mine, as my son has told, she is the best lady ever.


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