Another week

Today is the beginning of a new week. Mondays are the days I call for my unemployment. Each Monday, I begin with the hope that this will be the last week I will have to file. I think unemployment runs out in early May so I am not stressing too much.

I saw where a reporter job has come open at a paper an hour away. I have put together a package to send them. Once again, I am keeping my fingers cross. Yesterday was not a good food day. I had two meals and one snack. At least the snack was a bowl of Raisin Bran. It is not that I don't want to eat. I just don't have the normal hunger cues others have. I am working on this. One of my homework assignments from my therapist is the positives and negatives I have gained from being anorexic.

This is a hard list to write because it's scary facing your worst thing. The thing that will eventually kill you if you don't step up and fight it.


  1. I am glad that you had a great time at the beach. I long to go there myself. Paulette and Joe have bought a condo and are selling there house here in MO. I am going to miss her so much and she spends most of her time down at Mytle Beach already now. I will be taking some trips soon....when the weather breaks. Hang in there....the food issues will be easier as you move forward, as long as you stay with the mindset that you have on things now.


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