12 inches of rain in three hours and other adventures...

It has been quite a day in RR. We got 12 inches of rain in a few hours which resulted in massive flooding around the city. This was the perfect day to curl up with a good book. But not for me, it was my weekend to work.

My day at 8 a.m. started with several texts on the situation. As I started my 5 minute commute, I noticed several yards that looked like rivers.

I drove through this  "lake".  In the future, I will be much more careful.
 Let me preface what I am about to say with I am okay. Emergency management says never to cross standing water on a road. I did and as I was in the middle of doing it, I thought you are so stupid for doing this. I made it to the other side safely. And after thanking God, I vowed never to do this again.  My five minute commute took about 20 minutes because most of my normal route was under water.

This is not a pond but a road and someone's yard in RR.
Today, I have been from side of the city to another. RR is home to 15,000 people so you can imagine how big it is. I have been to places that I didn't even know existed in this city.

My home is okay with no flooding. I have talked with people who had cars and homes under water and had to be evacuated by boat. I feel so blessed. I am exhausted but I know I will be able to go home and climb into my cozy bed. Most of these people will be at Recreation Center on a cot.

I have seen some amazing and scary things today. I am glad I was able to play a part in keeping people informed about what was going on. I feel satisfied but tired.


1. Caffeine and I have become bff.

2. Skittles are great for a quick sugar buzz.

3. Being able to do my job!


  1. Glad you made it home alive. I think all of us would do the same thing even though we are told not to.


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