RR is alive with the sounds of music

Music is key in my life. I don’t know what I would do without it. As a teenager, I loved to make mixtapes for friends and families. And now, I love making mix cds to listen to on long road trips home or when I am out covering NH county. I guess along with pens, magazines and libraries, music is my thing.
Most of the time, when I am writing, I like to listen to music. My favorite thing is to turn on Itunes radio and just listen to various songs. It is how I discover musicians like Evans Blue or Sia.
It is one thing that remained throughout my struggles with my ED. I never loss my love of music. Sometimes it was the only thing that could calm my mind when it was consumed by thoughts of ED.

Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.
--E. Y. Harburg

Some of my favorite memories are tied to songs. I can remember my feelings being at that Dave Matthew concert. I can remember how I felt seeing my mom dance to Earth, Wind and Fire and Chicago.
One of my absolute favorites is watching JJ dance to the Black Eyed Peas “Boom Boom Pow.” Music is how I connect to this world and people. I have used several songs as conversation starters in the past.
On this site, I like to put mini mixes of music that I am listening to. If you looked at the music library on my laptop, you would see that Dave Matthews Band dominates. They were the first concert that I ever saw. Plus, their music always put me in calm and zen mood.
If I am angry, one of the first things I do is turn on Slipknot and jump around the room until I’m calm. There is nothing in the world like a lazy afternoon (which are rare these days) listening to music while reading a stack of magazines.
I have started going Friday afterwork events with music. I am branching out more. As I learn more and more about me, I find my love of music doesn’t change.

Daily Dose
1. I am auditioning shows to take the place of Lost.
2. Discovering the group Evans Blue.
3. Taking it one step at a time and not panicking.


  1. Music is a wonderful thing. It's a great time to be a music lover because now we can download music or rip CDs and then create our own compilations. And with websites like Pandora we can design our own "radio stations" and share them with others!

  2. Music plays a huge part in my life, too. It can easily bring me down or make me feel so confident!!
    Good to hear from you, your posts always make me smile :)

  3. I've always looked on the side of your page to watch your music changing SG!
    What a wide and great taste you've got! To mix the Bangles with the Deftones takes a keen ear indeed! I've got all there stuff...Deftones that is!
    As for Lost? Not much can take its place so I think I'll start watching Fringe soon!

  4. Thank you all! Music keeps me sane and happy. Fringe is an option. I think I will test drive True Blood.

  5. I love music too! It took me forever to get an iPod, but I have one and love it. I always make CDs -- for the car, work, writing, thinking. Such a wonderful thing.
    What other shows do you like? I bet I can suggest some for you based on what you like ;) I watch a TON of TV :)


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