Inspection Day
To those who know me, I am not neat. I am not filthy but I am not neat. When I moved back to Pickleland, I hit the ground running. I moved a bunch of stuff on March 1. Moved out of my old apartment March 7 and into my new one March 10 and started my job March 11. I have been going nonstop since then. It all came to a crashing halt at the end of December when my landlord had to let Terminx guy into my upstairs apartment so they could get into the attic. My apartment was little messy to me. But to him, there was too many boxes and stuff around. I was told that I had 30 days to clean up. It was not an easy cleanup because I had to make some tough decisions about what to keep. I knew this day would come especially living in a one bedroom apartment with two bedrooms worth of stuff. And here’s the kicker—there is still more stuff at my friend’s house. I have donated six boxes of stuff to the local thrift store, gave my best friend a bunch of m...