Words have power so use them wisely

“What happened to you? You have put on some weight.”
These are not the words you want a town commissioner to greet you with before a meeting. The woman who said this to me hardly ever speaks to me. Once a month, I attend her town’s meeting, I say hi to everyone, the meeting begins, I take notes, the meeting ends and I go home.
This is our interaction. We are not friends, family or enemies. 

WTF! Who tells someone this? Due to some issues, I was put back on my anti-depression med. One of the side effects is it gives me an appetite. I have gain about 15 pounds. I know this. It is a safe gain with me going from a size four to being between a size six and eight.
No. I don’t like the fact that my stomach has a pudge. I don’t like the fact that my favorite dress doesn’t fit. I take it one day at a time. Some days are good and some days I am close to tears.

Another reason for the weight gain, I have been stressed. In the last two months, I have been packing, moving and dealing with work issues. I turned to comfort of cupcakes and grape soda.
I realize this was a bad hookup so I am now drinking more water and enjoying hummus and crackers.
As a reporter, I am in the spotlight. People notice everything from the zit on my chin to the junk in my trunk. And because my picture runs in the newspaper, they feel like they know me. But they don’t.
They don’t know about the person who once got down to 73 pounds. Or the person who was so afraid to eat that she wanted to kill herself. 

So remember:
1. Get my hands on the new Stephen King novel!
2. Get my deposit back for my apartment!
3. Not having to work on Friday! YAY!!!!!


  1. People are so rude! Under any circumstances should anyone ever, ever comment on someone's weight like that. I seriously can't believe people do that and it sucks that you have to deal with it. Enjoy your long weekend. I know I just had one, but I want another one.

  2. Thank you! I didn't expect it from her. She has always been so nice.

  3. Please don't let her words get to you. Stay strong xoxo


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