Beautiful Blogger Award

Thanks to my hectic week, I didn't realize that Sairs chose me to receive the Beautiful Blogger Award. I love her site because she has given me much inspiration and encouragement over the few months. So thanks a bunch for selecting me.

It was hard picking the five blogger. I wanted to select everyone but I think five is good number. And by the way Sairs if I could give it to you again I would. Thank you so much for all you do.

The first person I choose was the blogger, who inspired me to blog. She doesn't know but I guess she will now. I read her blog for months before deciding to take the plunge into the blogging world. Her blog gave me hope for life after recovering. Thank you Kim, from Adventures in wanting, for giving me and others hope and inspiration.

Next, I choose Anna.maria at f a k e . f a d i n g . m e m o r i e s. Your post are so full of life. I love your zest for life and your adventures. I can live vicariously through you some days.

Angela, from at Leaving ED, thank you thank you for your comments. I have followed you through your highs and lows. I admire your honesty and willing to share your story.

Greenfingers at A Gardeners Life in Motion. I just love your blog. It's amazing.

Finally, Robyn from fragments treasures measures, because her blog has a ray of sunshine on some day. I have enjoyed learned about Australia. And some day I will visit there. So thanks.

Well, that my list. It was hard because I wanted to give to many more. To everyone thanks for all of your support and encouragement. The last few months have been hard but thank you for making it a little bit easier.

Daily Dose

1. Hugs from my son and my mom. They are the best.

2. Eating hot wings and cold pepsi while sitting on a porch with my mom and watching the world go by.

3. Finding a pretty honest mechanic in my time of need today.


  1. Thank you! And I'm glad you are doing well and got to see your mom and son. Keep taking care of yourself!

  2. Thank you so much SG. I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to know that someone likes my blog! That award has made my lonely Saturday for me!

    Your an inspiration to SG. You have so much going on but deal with it all with so much sensitivity and humbleness. Its easy to see why your so loved.
    Take care, and once again, thank you!

  3. That is such an honor. Thank you. I had no idea that I inspired you to blog! I'm getting warm fuzzies, and a few tears. Thank you...


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