When the going gets tough, the tough keep going

Happy Labor Day! Labor Day takes on meaning when you are working because it means an extra day of rest. Today, I watched a Project Runaway marathon, Baby Mama movie and two naps. One of my favorite movies--Runaway Bride-- will be on soon.

It has been quite a week with my car in the shop. I was suppose to get it yesterday but found out the most sad news--my car has a blown head gasket. This means another week without a car. A week full of meetings that I must cover in another county. My co-workers have been very nice making sure that I get to and from work. I have managed to get stories done by phone. But I am still worried about my job. I guess I am a little down because I am far away from home with a broken car. When I got the used yesterday, I just wanted to scream and cry. But I was calm.

While I waited for one of my co-workers to pick me up, I read Sports Illustrated and came across a quote that helped me to figure out what to do. "Quitting is not an option. No matter how dark it gets.--former NBA player and cancer survivor Wayman Tisdale.

He right. I have invested a lot in being in RR and quitting is not an option. But if they fire me, then I guess I'll be going home. Hopefully that won't happen.

Daily Dose

1. Thankful to have a job in this economy.

2. Coming up some great meals using a microwave, a George Foreman grill and a plug in skillet.

3. Hearing my guys


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