Passing the time with a sweet little boy

Today, I filed my unemployment for the final time. Am I nervous? Yes. But I am optimistic about finding a job. Over the weekend, I sat down and made some plans. I am going to apply for some fast food jobs at Jack in the Box and Chick Filet. I also have some waitressing experience. Plus, there are some temp agencies. I am still applying for jobs and I have my freelance stuff.

On Sunday, my hubby, my son and I spend the day together at home. It is rare that all three of us are at home at the same time. It was nice and rainy so we talked, played games, drew pictures and watch our favorite shows. My hubby cooked a nice meal. We don't get many family together moments like that so it was just nice to hang out in our house. JJ has developed a fondness for a certain guy who lives under the sea. Right now, on one half of my laptop, he is watching Bob while I work on the other half.

I hate the waiting that is my life right now. I have found a possible therapist but don't want to do anything until I figure out how things will be. I am doing okay with my ED. My meds are a big help and I found a workbook in the library that helps people with ED issues. So I guess I am my own therapist right now. It is coming up on an anniversary of sorts. In a few weeks, it will be the anniversary of the day I decided to committ suicide. Thank God for my son. He is what kept me from doing something very selfish. I'll talk about it more later.

Daily Dose

1. Working on a soundtrack for my job interview

2. Watching the beauty of nature on our deck. JJ and I watched a black widow eat its prey.


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