Happy Mother's Day

To all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day.

For me, November 23, 2005 was the best day of my life. The love was there before he was born. But when I looked in the beautiful eyes, I knew I would do everything in my power to make sure he was safe and protected. Due to being deep in ED, I was deemed a high risk pregnancy. It was rough gaining and maintaining the weight. But I did it so he would have a chance.
James Edwards at 10 minutes old!
Mommy and son!
Being a mother is an amazing but scary responsibility. I love him more than anything in this world. It is because of him that I fight so hard to recovery. There have been some moments of late. But I keep going for him. To keep me going there are reminders of him everywhere from his toys on my desk at work, photos on my phone and his dinosaurs everywhere in the apartment. I love my little Iron Man. Thank you for being heart and soul.


1. Enjoying a beautiful Mother's Day!

2. Orange soda makes everything better!

3. Waking up feeling good!


  1. You have come a long way! Happy Mother's Day.

  2. I'm glad that you have come so far! Happy (late) Mother's Day :)



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